When I was skimming histories of Naples online (there are a grand total of two), I ran across this paragraph, which I found very disturbing: "While there has not been made any attempt to organize an elaborate fire department in the village, the enterprising citizens have provided a good serviceable engine, hose cart, truck, and an abundance of buckets. This equipment in the hands of interested residents and all working unitedly, has thus far proved equal to any emergency." Then I realized it was written in 1893. And obviously they now have a fire department because they have these all over the place.
There seemed to be a higher than average number of fire hydrants. At first I thought I was just noticing them because they were not yellow. But then I saw this building and it all became clear.
Perhaps to make up for the constant threat of fire, someone at some point had the good sense to plant flowering trees all along the main street, which looks awfully nice:
This is a random view from the parking lot.
Purple = non-Potable, who knew? Not me. There is always something to learn here, from Sporks to purple hydrants to hyenas (or whatever) in the gravel pit!
Hope the spork survived the latest wilderness adventure - and the tough tofu, too.
You don't know how hard I was hoping for a few good shots of buckets.
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