Monday, May 03, 2010

Pasta from scratch . . .

. . . is much easier to make than it seems like it should be. But it is exactly as time-consuming as it seems like it should be.

Helpful hint: when you do it, you should always invite six other people over, or you will not have enough hands. I think there was one point where we needed everybody. Of course, if you were practical you could just cut the dough into shorter strips and it would be easier. But then it wouldn't  be the exercise in team-building that it has so much potential for.

Another helpful hint: own a lot of large bowls for hanging the pasta while it dries. Also apparently useful: clothes racks and the backs of chairs. Another option would be to not quadruple the recipe. But then you wouldn't be able to feed your workers, and they might revolt, and there goes all the progress you made on team-building.


Ivan said...

and here I was thinking spaghetti grew on trees...

Pandora said...

Now there's a length of pasta that could lead to a Lady & the Tramp kind of moment....if you know what I mean.

@Ivan - Think you can procure one of those spaghetti trees for me while you're in Italy? Or at least a handsome Italian man who will make me pasta to carefully drape on trees for my fantastical enjoyment?