Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Brought to you by the lingering effects of NyQuil

It may have come to your attention that I have recently had a cold. Ways in which this may have come to your attention include (1) me complaining about it, and (2) me singing Beach Boys songs to you in a feverish delusion. We can all agree the second is more fun, because I can be teased about that for weeks and months to come.

Despite its recent failure, however, I would like to point out that my immune system is actually amazing. I take this cold as an example because the sniffly-stuffly part took a whole of an hour and a half to get over and done with, and I woke up this morning happy as a clam. Happy as a clam with the tail end of a disease and a research paper due next Wednesday, anyway. And all that was required of me was to spend a few days watching Monty Python's Flying Circus and West Wing reruns. That's not a cold. That's a vacation.

What they (by which I mean Aaron Sorkin) say about the Secret Service is also true of my immune system: it only gets attention when it screws up. Doesn't really seem fair in either case. Huzzah for my immune system! Huzzah for the Secret Service! And huzzah for television and Yorkshire tea, because we all know neither immune systems nor the Secret Service could get along without them.

P.S. And so the cold doesn't feel left out, I quote Monty Python in its honor: "We interrupt this program to annoy you and make things generally irritating." Colds would be a solid voting block if the BBC ever ran for President.


Anonymous said...

so yes, huzzah for yorkshire tea because the celestial seasonings english breakfast here is crap. crap crap crap. glad you are feeling better!

Anonymous said...

I once heard a comedian caution his audience about the strong medicinal powers of NyQuil, noting that you had to be very careful where you took NyQuil. "NyQuil," he said. "The night-time, sniffling, sneezing, stuffy-head, fever, how-the-hell-did-I-get-on-my-kitchen-floor medicine." (MGDub)

Anonymous said...

Huzzuh for the word "huzzuh!" :D And I'm glad to hear that the cold is no longer demanding access to the musical tendencies of your brain, especially those of catchy Beach Boy's "Kokomo" that still remains on replay in MY head (curse you, Katie's cold!). I'm considering just signing up for blogger so that i can have the luxury of seeing the name "Christi" instead of anonymous. hmmmm.