Saturday, August 13, 2005

Wegmans, Magic, and Existential Crises: a Hedgehog Reunion

My co-blogger has returned to her native coast. Tradition dictates that the Hedgehogs of Fabulous Destiny eat Fancy Cakes, but these delectable delicacies are nowhere to be found. Fortunately the other tradition dictates nothing more specific than going to Wegmans and buying whatever looks good. Some Wegmans employee, or at least I think he was an employee, recommended the large chocolate chip cookie cake and continued to put in his two cents after we had moved on to consider the virtues of the old fashioned double fudge cake. When we returned to the cake section jealously guarding a six pack of Magic Hat #9, this same man offered the further counsel that alcohol and chocolate do not really go together. Doubter! The Magic Hat and the cupcakes we finally settled on went very well together.

It was under the power of the magical hat and the sugar that we decided that when our fabulous destinies lead to us being old, white-haired cat ladies, we will name one of our feline friends Richard Taylor; R.T. for short. And you never know; this could happen. After all, Magic Hat reminds us that the Universe Always has Other plans. Since it also advises us to Enjoy a 9 when you Dine, which is so true, I feel confident in trusting Magic Hat bottlecaps with my future. Much more confidant than, say, this Magic 8-Ball I found in my room makes me feel:

That's what you call a real existential dilemma, when your 8-Ball can't decide between answering with gusto and not answering at all. Magic Hat, you not-quite-pale-ale, you--you've saved us!


Matthew said...

I don't suppose Magic Hat is a distant cousin of the Sobe bottlecap, is it?

Anonymous said...

oh cupcakes, beer and nora ephron. what a life. and now it's raining. the vacation is complete. wanderful, just wanderful.

Anonymous said...

and i really like that picture of the #9. pretty.

Anonymous said...

and the cat pictures really don't do rosie justice... she's so perfectly round and stubby.

Anonymous said...

and i don't care at all about that other cat because it never came out and said hello. elitist snob.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, I grew kind of fond of Rhubarb a.k.a. His Lordship. For the first two weeks, it's true, he wasn't very friendly, but during the last three days or so he started acting like Rosie, and we know how I love and miss stubby little Rosie, so now I miss all of them *wail*

L'Écureuil said...

agreed about your artsy fartsy fotography. i especially like the starry night inclusion, or "quotation" as we call it in the world of professional bullshitting.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i thought the "starry night" quotation really brought out the . . . swirliness . . . of the magic hat labels. i think there's really a connection there.